
Over the course of the program, you will prepare for a wide variety of music ministries, from traditional to blended to contemporary, as you develop the understanding and skills to provide leadership in today’s church.

All Music students are required to audition for entry into the program. During their time at Bryan, students will receive private lessons for their instrument. Students are also required to participate in a certain number of ensemble performances.

Benefits of this Path

Students in the Music program are thoroughly trained in both the theoretical and practical aspects of music–within the context of a biblical worldview– in order to use their talents for performing and teaching. This degree provides professional preparation for a career in music or a music-related vocation, as well as instruction for life-long learning experiences in music. Bryan faculty integrates a Christian worldview into course lectures and the teaching of various skills, as well as your daily practice and performance. We strive to help you point others to Christ, as well as glorify the Lord through your musical gifts and talents.

Possible Careers

  • Worship Leader
  • Choir Director
  • Music Coordinator
  • Church Pianist
  • Music Director
  • Music Coordinator
  • Music Instructor
  • Composer or Arranger

Program Faculty