Dr. Douglas F. Mann

Dr. Douglas F. Mann
Dr. Douglas F. Mann



Direct Office Phone: 423-775-7201

Office: President's Office

Academic Degrees
  • The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. Doctor of Philosophy, 2005. History major field area. Doctoral dissertation title “Becoming Creole: Material Life and Society in Eighteenth-Century Kingston, Jamaica”.
  • Trinity International University, Deerfield, Illinois, Master of Arts, Christian Thought, Emphases in History and Theology, 1997. Thesis title “Jewish Anti-Christian Literature as a Source of Irreligion for the Deists John Toland and Anthony Collins”
  • Bryan College, Dayton, Tennessee, Bachelor of Arts, Double major in History and Bible, 1992.


Dr. Douglas F. Mann became the eighth President of Bryan College on July 15, 2020, following two years of serving as Vice President for Academics and Provost.

Mann is a 1992 graduate of Bryan College and earned an M.A. degree in Christian Thought from Trinity International University. He later received his Ph.D. in history from The University of Georgia. Prior to joining the leadership of Bryan, he served as a member of the history faculty at Liberty University. While at Liberty University he also served in a variety of leadership roles including Dean of the Graduate School, Administrative Dean for Graduate Programs, and Vice Provost for Graduate Education. Since coming to Bryan Dr. Mann has worked closely with faculty in the implementation of new residential and online academic programs, enhanced professional development opportunities for faculty and staff, and implemented operational efficiency measures that have seen significant budgetary savings in academics and growth in Bryan’s online program offerings.

Dr. Mann and his wife, Susi, have four children, one of whom is a current student at Bryan. When not spending time with his family and friends on their farm in Dayton, Dr. Mann enjoys reading a good biography or spy novel or playing golf when the weather is nice.

Publications, Research, & Editing

  • Contributor Popular Encyclopedia of Church History: Desiderius Erasmus, John Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo. Harvest House (2013).
  • “Colonial Jamaica,” in Colonial America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural and Economic History, M.E.Sharpe, (2005).
  • Contributor of multiple entries’ on Higher Education to Revision of Goods Dictionary Higher Education Oryx Press, 2003.

Conference & Workshop Presentations

  • “The Stuff of Life – Consumerism and Material Culture in the West.” Presented for the Liberty University Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement, April 11, 2017.
  • Fishbowl Dialogue on Online Student Affairs: Managing Student Affairs in an online environment, Distance Learning Conference, Jekyll Island, Georgia, July 2012 (with Michael Shenkle)
  • “It’s Only a Bill: Curriculum Legislative Process at Liberty University, “Professional Development Seminar for Faculty Workdays, August 2015.
  • “’He Lives Genteely… .’: Polite Behaviour in Eighteenth-Century Kingston, Jamaica.” Presented for the Jamaican Archeological Society, May 3, 2010.
  • “The True Opiate of the Masses, Or, Miscellaneous, and Perhaps Inane, Thoughts on Coffee and Modern Coffee-House Culture.” Presented for the History Department Awards Banquet, Liberty University, April 2008.
  • “’He. . . Lives Genteely’: Gentility and Refinement in Eighteenth-Century Kingston, Jamaica.” Presented at the Latin American and Caribbean Section of the Southern Historical Association, Richmond, VA, October 31 – November 2, 2007.

When I was a student from 1988 to 1992, I continually saw our motto of Christ Above All emphasized and lived out by faculty, staff, and my peers. Today, I continue to see that motto lived out across campus. I never get tired of hearing students tell stories of how God brought them to Bryan and then changed their lives through the work of faculty and staff.

— Dr. Douglas Mann

Bryan College President  |  Class of 1992

President's Office
721 Bryan Drive
Dayton, TN 37321
BOX 7792

Office Phone: 423-775-7210