Dr. Hannah Schultz (Title IX)

Dr. Hannah Schultz
Dr. Hannah Schultz

ADA & Title IX Coordinator


Direct Office Phone: 423-775-7265

Office: Discrimination, Harassment & Misconduct Policy (Title IX)

Academic Degrees
  • Juris Doctorate: Liberty University School of Law, Lynchburg, Virginia (2007)
  • Master of Arts: History, Global History and International Relations, in association with Erasmus University Rotterdam. Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan (2014)
  • Master of Business Administration: Accounting, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia (2010)
  • Master of Arts in Religion: Church History, American Religious History, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, Lynchburg, Virginia (2004)
  • Bachelor of Arts: History and Political Science with Certification to Teach, Virginia Intermont College, Bristol, Virginia (2000)
  • ABD, Ph.D. studies: History, Atlantic World, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan


Hannah Schultz joined Bryan College in 2014 as an Assistant Professor of History, Justice, and Government.  She is currently the Title IX Coordinator and the ADA Coordinator in the Office of Equity and Accessibility.

Dr. Schultz holds a J.D. degree from Liberty University School of Law, a master’s degree in history and business, and a bachelor’s degree from Virginia Intermont College.  Her experience in higher education includes 15 years of teaching and course development in online and residential settings and 6 years in administrative work.

It has been my joy to work at Bryan College for several years now, in a variety of roles, and I pray that I can continue to honor God and serve the school in my work here.

— Dr. Hannah Schultz

ADA & Title IX Coordinator  | 

Discrimination, Harassment & Misconduct Policy (Title IX)
LAT 200G — Title IX Liaison
On Campus Phone: 423-775-7209

Office Phone: 423-775-7265