W. J. Bryan: A Difference Maker

Web Companion

The Web Companion is a media-rich research resource that complements William Jennings Bryan: A Difference Maker, by Corinne Livesay.

William Jennings Bryan

Part 1: Overview and Beginnings
1.  Timeline: Quick Facts
2.  Bryan’s Family
3.  Preparation

Part 2: Political Victories and Defeats
4.  Christian Statesman
5.  Presidential Campaigns
6.  Between Presidential Campaigns
7.  Critics & Detractors

Part 3: Gifted Communicator
8.  Orator
9.  The Commoner
10.  Books and Speeches by Bryan
11.  Memorable Quotations
12.  Influencer

Part 4: Bryan’s Last Decade
13.  Callings and Crusades (1915-1925)
14.  On the Origin of Man
15.  The Scopes Trial

Part 5: Bryan Remembered
16.  Bryan’s Homes
17.  Statues Honoring Bryan
18.  Books about Bryan
19.  Namesakes and Honors
20.  The Founding of Bryan College

If you have a resource that you want to be considered to be included in the Web Companion, please click here to submit.

Contact Corinne Livesay.