Academics Office
721 Bryan Drive
Dayton, TN 37321
Mercer 209, Box #7786
Direct Office Phone: 423-775-7200
Status: TBD
location: Dayton, TN
Apply for this Position
Position Summary
Bryan College seeks to attract and retain highly qualified faculty that share the College’s values and will contribute to its Mission to educate students to become servants of Christ to make a difference in today’s world. To that end, Bryan College faculty integrate Christian principles and service within their academic disciplines and classroom instruction. The English Department at Bryan College seeks an adjunct instructor to teach first year composition courses.
Reports to: Dean School of Humanities & Christian Studies
Education Required
- Minimum of a master’s degree in English.
- Previous college teaching experience preferred, especially in a wide range of composition courses.
- Teach a minimum of 3 hours per week, provide timely feedback and grades to students, and work with the department chair and the Writing Program Administrator in organizing courses.
- Keep weekly office hours to support student success and to personalize instruction.
- Support the Mission of the College through service on committees or through additional non-teaching initiatives.
Desired Qualities
- Knowledge of principles, methods, and current developments in the academic discipline and in professional practice.
- Knowledge of instructional strategies and techniques appropriate to teaching the courses assigned.
- Ability to create a syllabus and effectively deliver the learning objectives of the course.
- Ability to advise, instruct, manage, motivate, and evaluate students.
- Ability to learn relevant sections of BrightSpace, Bryan College’s online learning management system.
- Ability to effectively and appropriately integrate technology into the teaching and learning process.
- Ability to successfully interact with students, other educators and educational institution representatives, and the general public in a professional manner.