Engagement & Activities

Student Engagement

Student Activities, the Student Government Association, and Student Clubs are the three campus-wide opportunities for students that make up Bryan College’s Student Engagement program. Through a variety of events, student activities give students the chance to interact, participate, and have fun with one another. A team of student engagement interns organizes and hosts events.

Interested in student leadership through Student Engagement?
Contact eleanor.sanford@bryan.edu for more information!

Student Engagement


Student activities are spaces that provide students opportunities to connect, engage, and have fun with each other through a variety of events. Activities are planned and hosted by a team of Student Engagement Interns.

Student Life Office
721 Bryan Drive
Dayton, TN 37321
BOX 7781

Office Phone: 423-775-7285

Student Life Events


Student Life Office
721 Bryan Drive
Dayton, TN 37321
BOX 7781

Office Phone: 423-775-7285