(not applicable to associate’s or master’s degree students)
Bryan College awards honor based on the final cumulative grade point average. In order to earn honors, you must earn a minimum of 48 hours through coursework at Bryan College. Your grade point average is based only on courses taken at Bryan College. Honors will be noted on your academic transcript once the degree has been posted.
Honors are awarded as follows: cum laude 3.6-3.74; magna cum laude 3.75-3.89; summa cum laude 3.9-4.0. Note that GPAs are not rounded.
If you are participating in the commencement ceremony you will be given an honor cord to wear — red for cum laude, silver for magna cum laude, and gold for summa cum laude. These cords will be available in the Registrar’s Office the day prior to the commencement ceremony or can be distributed at the rehearsal. Note that candidates for graduation do not have Latin honors recognized during the ceremony.