Core Curriculum
For students enrolling prior to Fall 2024, see prior catalogs.
COL 101 Foundations for Student Success (1)
ENG 111 Freshman English (3) OR English 109-110 College Writing I & II (6)
College-level math elective (3) except Math 132
BIB 222 Old Testament Literature & Interpretation (3)
BIB 224 New Testament Literature & Interpretation (3)
CT 113 Critical Survey of Worldview (3)
Christian Studies electives (BIB, CM, CT, PHIL) (3)
Christian Studies electives (BIB, CM, CT, PHIL, GRK, HEB) (3)
Choose one:
COMM 111 Introduction to Communication (3)
HIS general survey course (100/200 level) (3)
Choose one:
Choose one:
Natural Science elective with lab (4)
Choose two:
The current crisis has served to demonstrate both the uniqueness of Bryan’s on-campus community and its vitality under immense strain and external pressure.
— Bryan Knowles
Class of 2020
721 Bryan Drive, Dayton, TN 37321
Bryan College is a small, regionally accredited Christian liberal arts college located in Dayton, TN. With both on-campus and online programs, more than 50 areas of study are offered for Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees, as well as professional certificates.
Founded in 1930, Bryan College has a rich legacy of educating students to become servants of Christ and make a difference in today’s world.