Kaylee Powell

Kaylee Powell
Kaylee Powell

Student Life Assistant


Direct Office Phone: 423-775-7285

Office: Student Life Office

Academic Degrees
  • Bachelor in English Literature with a minor in Soul Care Psychology, Bryan College


Hey! My name is Kaylee, and I am the new Office of Student Life Assistant. I was a student at Bryan 10
years ago and am looking forward to being back in the heart of campus life again. My goal is to create a
(well-caffeinated) space within OSL that provides rest, laughter, and comfort amid Bryan’s fast-paced
academic environment. Fun fact about me: I was born and raised in Alaska!

My time as a student on this campus was so pivotal. As a former RA, I had a front-row seat watching the mission of our school transform hearts and lives. I am thrilled to continue participating in the faithful work of the Student Life team!

— Kaylee Powell

Student Life Assistant  | 

Student Life Office
721 Bryan Drive
Dayton, TN 37321
BOX 7781

Office Phone: 423-775-7285