Dr. Neal Doran
Dissertation Committee Member
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. Geology (Paleobiology), Florida State University, 2003
- M.S. Geology (Paleobiology), University of Cincinnati, 2000
- M.A. History (History of Science, Minor Zoology), University of Florida, 1994
- B.S. Geology (Minor Zoology), University of Florida, 1989
Research Experience: Biology, geology, statistics, multivariate analysis, survivorship analysis, cluster
analysis, trend analysis, regression analysis, history, philosophy
Future Research: Some of my scientific research shares some interest with business: clustering,
grouping, and searching for trends in data. I have also wanted to learn some AI so
have a little background in Python.
More Info: I am authoring a book that provides a number of statistical techniques to questions of data analysis on grouped sets.