Greetings from Bryan Hill


Fall 2023

The summer months provide a much-needed time to pause and reflect on God’s work and blessings on Bryan College. At the end of the 2022/23 school year, we celebrated with the class of 2023 as over 230 graduates received diplomas from Bryan College. As I commented to the graduates, these campus moments serve as memorials like the memorial stones the nation of Israel laid beside the Jordan River as they entered the promised land of Canaan. The diplomas each received serve as reminders of their course of study, attending chapel services, studying in the library, playing on the field or court, and time spent with friends, staff, and faculty.

But most importantly, these diplomas serve as a reminder of God’s faithful provision and guidance during their years on Bryan Hill as well as the promise of God’s future faithfulness and provision. Congratulations to the Class of 2023 as you step away from Bryan College as difference makers for Christ! And as we step forward into a new school year and prepare to welcome a new class of freshmen, let us remember that God will continue to faithfully provide.

I want to also take a moment to thank each of you for your investment in Bryan College. I tell our students regularly that there are men and women around the world who lift each of them up in prayer. Thank you for this investment in the Kingdom work here at Bryan College. We are also grateful for your financial support in the work here on Bryan Hill as we seek to educate students to become servants of Christ who will make a difference in today’s world.

May God richly bless you!

-Dr. Douglas Mann

President of Bryan College